Applied Practical Radio-Television by The Technical Staff of the Coyne Elelctrical And Radio School. Chicago. Coyne, 1955


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Publisher: Coyne, 1955

5vol.set: 299,403,336,343,&392pp.+indexes; HBs red w/gilt; some rub w/wear on edges&corners; clean,tight pgs. V1.(4th): Application of Radio and Television Princiiples. V2.(4th): Radio and Television and FM Receivers. V3.(4th): Radio and Television Circuits. V4(3rd): Radio and Television Instruments and Testing Methods. V5(2nd): Practical Television Servicing and Trouble Shooting Manual. illus. Size: 8vo – over 7¾” – 9¾” tall. Coyne Electrical School, Chicago, IL, 1950. Hard Cover. Condition: Very Good


Please contact Bob for details.