The Diary Of A Freeman (1st edition) by ‘Black Knight’. Illustrated by Sir Alfred Munnings. Cassell and Co. 1953
Categories: Animals, Dogs, First Editions, Horses, Old and Rare Books, So Rare it is scary
Tags: British High Society, Dogs, First Editions, horse racing
The diary of a remarkable dog. Black Knight was the pet dog of Lady Munnings and achieved fame for being able to pick winners at Ascot and other horse racing meets. He’d tour the stables with lady Munnings and if he stopped and barked at a horse that horse would inevitably win.
This, as well as being small and cute made Black Knight the toast of London society. He even attended then Princess Elizabeth’s marriage to Prince Philip. Unfortunately he was also a Pekenese and the do have a reputation. SO was Black Knight a cute little nightmare? Find out.
Publisher: Cassell and Co. 1953
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